What are ADA Signs?
The ‘Americans With Disabilities Act’ or ADA is federal law passed in 1990 designed to guard against discrimination based on disability. With its advent, “ADA Signs” has become a common term in the signage industry.
Why do you need ADA Signs?
Every business needs ADA signs because it’s required by federal law to have certain ADA signs up in your building or store. It’s also very helpful for your customers to locate places in your store or building without having to ask an employee or staff member.
Uses and Types of ADA Signs
Today, any and every business needs ADA signs. They serve to provide architectural information for people with disabilities so that they can navigate through a building easily.
For instance, an ADA restroom door signs with braille characters would be placed outside of the room to assist people with visual impairments. Another example can be for fire escape signs. ADA signs benefit all people as a form of directional signage.
Why Alpha Sign Group?
Not having ADA signs may put your business at risk. Delayed openings and hefty fines can seriously impact your operations. Every state has different ADA regulations and the Alpha Sign Group can help you navigate the complexities of ADA signage.
The Alpha Sign Group provides service to all of Sugar Hill. We serve the local communities of Sugar Hill. We are part of the SignWorld Business Alliance network consisting of over 330 sign companies, offering commercial signage services nationwide.